
5 Major Causes of Fluttering in Ear | Causes, Symptoms, & Cure

What does fluttering in ear mean? It is experiencing a condition where a person feels vibration or fluttering in their ear. This condition is often irritating and annoying, leaving the sufferer in an uncomfortable situation. Ear fluttering occurs due to several reasons including high blood pressure, malfunctioning of tissues in the ear, Hypothyroidism, and Earwax at times. There is a higher possibility that it is a temporary fluttering in ear due to any of the above-mentioned reasons. In this article, we will attempt to investigate the major reasons of fluttering sound in ear, symptoms, and the possible solutions to it.

Is Fluttering in Ear Dangerous?

Fluttering in ear is usually not referred as something serious and fatal but it really gives rise to factors like distress, discomfort, and irritation which declines the quality of life eventually. Although, the severity of pain and irritation can prove harmful causing major complexities. For this purpose, consulting a doctor is important. Also, this medical condition is termed as Tinnitus. It is something as a rhythmic fluttering sound in the ear and it is usually annoying and distressing.

5 Major Causes of Fluttering in Ear

Fluttering in ear, also known as Tinnitus, has several reasons to occur. The most common of the causes is muscle spasms in the middle ear, which can create a fluttering sound perceived by the individual. Also, changes in blood flow or pressure within the ear can also lead to fluttering sensations. In some cases, this phenomenon may be attributed to problems with the inner ear such as Meniere’s disease or fluid build-up.

While many people experience temporary fluttering in ear due to activities like yawning or high-altitude changes, chronic occurrences may be indicative of underlying health issues. Moreover, stress and anxiety have also been linked to tinnitus, suggesting that psychological factors may play a role in its manifestation. Ultimately, for understanding the potential causes of fluttering in ear, the below mentioned section explores 5 major causes, symptoms, and their treatment.

1.   Tinnitus

Tinnitus is a terminology denoted as hearing ringing. Some of the patients observe it as clicking and roaring, buzzing and other sounds as well. Tinnitus can be a sign of a variety of other ailments and, in the majority of cases, it is subjective. Meaning that, only the person who is experiencing the tinnitus can perceive it, and not an impartial third individual such as an audiologist. Many people suffer from tinnitus and feel stressed and annoyed which causes fluttering in ear. The tinnitus may occur on one or both ears. It could be intermittent or remain fairly consistent.

Treatment Alternatives

Treatment of the root cause for the tinnitus condition can ease the symptoms. But, there are times when a source of the problem isn’t identified or tinnitus cannot be fully alleviated through treatment for the condition. There isn’t a universal solution to. Although, the treatment options are Acoustic therapy hearing as it aids in reducing. Also, cognitive behavioral therapy, medicines and techniques for managing stress can mitigate the tinnitus.

2.    Eustachian Tube Dysfunction

Another significant cause of fluttering in ear is Eustachian tube dysfunction. This can occur due to allergies, sinus infections, or changes in air pressure causing a feeling of fullness in the ear and fluttering sensations. Eustachian tube links the back of the nose to the middle of the ear.

The main function which it serves is the middle ear gets ventilation ensuring that the pressure of air across the middle ear is equal to that of the pressure outside. Also, it provides a protection shield to the middle ear against the ear’s irritants. The middle ear gets able to function properly. The eustachian tube can be affected by dysfunctions due to swelling or inability to close and open correctly can lead to problems like:

  • Hearing loss muffled
  • Ringing in your ears
  • Diminished hearing
  • An earful feeling in the ear
  • Difficulties with balance

Treatment Methods

There are certain methods and techniques to cure the dysfunctions of tube. The possible treatment options may include:

  • Nasal decongestants
  • Antibiotics
  • Techniques to equalize air pressure such as yawning or swallowing

These methods can help in reducing the Eustachian tube dysfunction symptoms and ultimately fluttering noise in ear.

3.   Middle Ear Myoclonus

Middle myoclonus in the ear (MEM) is a disorder which causes contractions of the muscles of middle ear which leads to fluttering in ear. This is usually referred as a rare situation by doctors and it is a diagnosis of tinnitus.

For the diagnosis of this, doctors often conduct a long tympanometry. Tympanometry is a process which examines the plight of middle ear and its processing.

Treatment Substitutes

The use of medication can aid to treat MEM which includes benzodiazepines, carbamazepine, orphenadrine as well as piracetam. In some cases, surgery which removes muscle from the middle ear might be suggested.

4.   Menier Disease

Meniere’s disease is a chronic inner ear disorder that often manifests with symptoms such as vertigo, ringing in the ears (tinnitus), hearing loss, and a feeling of fullness or pressure in the affected ear. One lesser-known symptom is sudden fluttering sound in the ear, which can be unsettling for those experiencing it. This sensation, known as middle ear myoclonus, occurs when muscles within the inner ear spasm involuntarily. While it may not always be directly linked to Meniere’s disease, it can be an additional burden for those already dealing with its more common symptoms.

The experience of sudden fluttering in ear can disrupt daily life and lead to anxiety and distress for individuals living with Meniere’s disease. The unpredictability of these sensations can be particularly challenging to manage. Seeking support from audiologists and healthcare professionals who specialize in inner ear disorders can provide valuable guidance on coping strategies and treatment options. Additionally, finding a community of individuals who understand these unique challenges can offer much-needed empathy and encouragement for those navigating life with Meniere’s disease.


There are several approaches that have been used to help alleviate these distressing symptoms. One common method is dietary and lifestyle changes, which may include reducing salt intake and avoiding caffeine and alcohol. Additionally, doctors may prescribe medications to manage vertigo episodes or reduce fluid buildup in the ear.

Another treatment option for Meniere’s disease is vestibular rehabilitation therapy (VRT), a specialized form of physical therapy designed to improve balance and reduce dizziness. VRT involves exercises focused on improving coordination and strengthening muscles associated with balance.

5.   Earwax


The fluttering sound in ear can sometimes be a result of a sudden movement of built-up earwax. When the wax becomes dislodged or shifts within the ear canal, it can create an unsettling fluttering feeling that catches many off guard. It’s important to note that while earwax can be linked to the sensation of fluttering in ear, this symptom could also indicate other underlying conditions such as muscle spasms or eustachian tube dysfunction. Therefore, consulting a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment is crucial.


To treat the fluttering noise caused by excess earwax, there are several methods you can try. One common approach is using ear drops designed to soften the wax so that it can be easily removed. Another option is irrigation, where warm water is gently flushed into the ear to help dislodge the wax. In more severe cases, a healthcare professional may need to manually remove the wax using specialized tools.

It’s important to understand that attempting to remove excess earwax on your own without proper guidance or tools can lead to complications or further discomfort.


While often it seems harmless but fluttering in ear can signal various underlying issues. From common causes like Eustachian tube dysfunction and earwax buildup to tinnitus and Meniere’s disease, understanding the root cause is crucial. Get some medical advice if the fluttering persists, disrupts your daily life, or presents with additional symptoms like hearing loss or dizziness. It is important to get an early diagnosis and proper treatment can significantly improve your comfort and overall well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here are some of the frequently asked questions:

  1. What causes fluttering in ear?

Fluttering sound in ear can be caused by a number of reasons. The usual: tinnitus throws sound effects like whooshing and tapping. Other factors include earwax buildup, dysfunctional tubes in your ear, and even hormone imbalances. Sometimes, high blood pressure or Meniere’s disease join the party.

  • Can stress be a reason for fluttering ears?

Yes, stress can be a factor in fluttering of the ear, although it’s not the most common cause. Although, it can be through various indirect reasons including muscle tension, anxiety and hypervigilance, and various others. It amplifies the fluttering noise in ear or in any of the one.

  • Is fluttering in ear dangerous?

In most cases, fluttering in ear is not dangerous. However, it’s important to understand that it can indicate a variety of underlying conditions, some harmless and some more serious. It’s helpful to consider different perspectives and seek medical assistance.

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